Another effort to not buy so much processed stuff. This was really easy too and probably cheaper in the long run.
1- 14oz can Sweet condensed milk
14oz milk, your choice of kind, I used skim
flavorings of your choice
I used a old creamer bottle to mix mine and store. Pour the can of sweet milk in the bottle, fill the can with milk and pour in. I did add about 1/4 of the can of milk again because the sweet condensed milk is really thick and I dont think it was any too much milk. Next add flavorings. We made Cinnamon bun flavored and added 1 tsp. Vanilla, 1 tsp. almond extract and 1 T Cinnamon. Shake well. Store in fridge. .
*I used pure almond, not imitation and the recipe I think was for imitation. So the almond flavor is a bit more then I like. Its ok, just next time when I use pure almond I will cut back a bit on the amount. *
You can use any flavor you want. .
Cocoa powder & Raspberry syrup
Cocoa powder & peppermint extract
Hazelnut syrup
You can buy coffee flavor syrups in the coffee isle at walmart.
I'm curious to know how long it keeps in the fridge.
i am not sure because we go through it so fast here it doesnt last more then 2 weeks.
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